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Main Floor

Dining Room

Standard Cork & Vial with Lion
17mm x 17mm x 70mm - holds 2 drams
Buy a Standard Cork & Vial with Lion - 17mm x 17mm x 70mm - holds 2 drams at House of Greco
Put A Cork In It
Itty Bitty Cork & Vial
9mm x 9mm x 36mm - holds ¼ dram
Buy an Itty Bitty Cork & Vial - 9mm x 9mm x 36mm - holds ¼ dram at House of Greco
Put A Cork In It
Dainty Cork & Vial
12mm x 12mm x 41mm - holds ½ dram
Buy a Dainty Cork & Vial - 12mm x 12mm x 41mm - holds ½ dram at House of Greco
Put A Cork In It
Petite Cork & Vial
15mm x 15mm x 55mm - holds 1 dram
Buy a Petite Cork & Vial - 15mm x 15mm x 55mm - holds 1 dram at House of Greco
Put A Cork In It
Standard Cork & Vial
17mm x 17mm x 70mm - holds 2 drams
Buy a Standard Cork & Vial - 17mm x 17mm x 70mm - holds 2 drams at House of Greco
Put A Cork In It
Mammoth Cork & Vial
27mm x 27mm x 120mm - holds 10 drams
Buy a Mammoth Cork & Vial - 27mm x 27mm x 120mm - holds 10 drams at House of Greco
Put A Cork In It
Standard Vial with Lion
17mm x 17mm x 60mm - holds 2 drams
Buy a Standard Vial with Lion - 17mm x 17mm x 60mm - holds 2 drams at House of Greco
Put A Cork In It
Itty Bitty Vial
9mm x 9mm x 30mm - holds ¼ dram
Buy an Itty Bitty Vial - 9mm x 9mm x 30mm - holds ¼ dram at House of Greco
Put A Cork In It
Dainty Vial
12mm x 12mm x 35mm - holds ½ dram
Buy a Dainty Vial - 12mm x 12mm x 35mm - holds ½ dram at House of Greco
Put A Cork In It
Petite Vial
15mm x 15mm x 45mm - holds 1 dram
Buy a Petite Vial - 15mm x 15mm x 45mm - holds 1 dram at House of Greco
Put A Cork In It
Standard Vial
17mm x 17mm x 60mm - holds 2 drams
Buy a Standard Vial - 17mm x 17mm x 60mm - holds 2 drams at House of Greco
Put A Cork In It
Mammoth Vial
27mm x 27mm x 108mm - holds 10 drams
Buy a Mammoth Vial - 27mm x 27mm x 108mm - holds 10 drams at House of Greco
Put A Cork In It
Itty Bitty Cork
7mm x 7mm x 12mm
Buy Itty Bitty Cork - 7mm x 7mm x 12mm at House of Greco
Put A Cork In It
Dainty Cork
9mm x 9mm x 13mm
Buy Dainty Cork - 9mm x 9mm x 13mm at House of Greco
Put A Cork In It
Petite/Standard Cork
12mm x 12mm x 17mm
Buy Petite/Standard Cork - 12mm x 12mm x 17mm at House of Greco
Put A Cork In It
Mammoth Cork
19mm x 19mm x 26mm
Buy Mammoth Cork - 19mm x 19mm x 26mm at House of Greco
Put A Cork In It

Products are Coming!

Updated 02/06/25 - Closer and closer! We're putting up more and more pictures. Once this message goes away, this page will be ready. Please call if you'd like to place an order.......

Things are rolling along during the transition from 720 Capitola Avenue to the online store. A little while ago, our retail space took on a considerable amount of water damage. We were sad to leave so suddenly but new doors have opened - all lessons and recording are happening in a private residence in Capitola. The retail portion is going online for now. Approved customers have the option to pick up their order and locals can have their orders delivered by hand, often the same day. If you are an existing customer from the shoppe and know what you want, you can place an order by phone anytime. Thank you for your patience!

Please check back whenever you like and press refresh or call (831) 475-1811 to check the status for online ordering. When this message disappears from this page and you see products, that means you have a green light to order online. Thank you for your patience! ~ Anna, owner

Would You Consider Helping House of Greco During The Transition?

This is one of House of Greco's most difficult times. We are plugging along, determined to keep going in the midst of a transition, racing against the clock, but it would be that much more feasible with your support. House of Greco was also affected by the pandemic, the CZU wildfire and a few other setbacks, but made it through. Please consider helping out by making a donation to our present and our future. Do you enjoy the website? 1000s of hours have gone into its creation. And a few drops of sweat too......... It is very close to being finished. Many thanks!

Updated February 6th, 2025